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    Getting Started

    How pickup and delivery works, from getting a quote to sending your parcel.

    Sending a Parcel

    Send your first parcel - packaging, labeling, and all the in-betweens!

    Parcel In Route

    How to track and manage your parcel once it's on the move.

    Get a Quote

    Get in touch with our Expert's to get the best prices!


    Learn about how we will handle your returns.

    There's an issue with my parcel!

    Uh oh! These articles will help you through sticky situations.

    Contacting ExperShip

    Best way to contact with ExperShip Support Team!

    Billing and Payments

    ExperShip payments, invoices, and how to pay them!

      • Popular Articles

      • How to create label manually?

        In ExperShip, you can create your own label manually without any additional integration. Please follow the below steps to create your desired service label.  Log into your ExperShip account. On the left-hand side, there is a tab called "Label" click ...
      • My shipment not moving, what should I do?

        If your shipment is not moving for a while there might be some reasons for that. Before you submit an inquiry to our Customer Service please follow the below checklist.  Carriers tend to update the status of the shipments a bit delayed on the main ...
      • What is a manifest?

        A manifest is a shipping summary that is made up of one or more shipping consignments. The manifest contains information that is used by the carrier to invoice you for freight services, and also to track the delivery of consignments. You may see the ...
      • Find your ExperShip API key

        Your Shippit API key serves as a unique identifier for your account on our platform, enabling you to integrate your ExperShip account with our supported couriers. To find your API key please click to the account name displayed on upper right corner ...
      • How to create a manifest?

        In order to create a manifest successfully please follow the below steps: Login to your ExperShip account. Go to the Manifest tab in your dashboard. It will be displayed on the left-hand side of the dashboard. Right now you are on the Manifest page ...